Friday 13 May 2011

The Golden Age Tick #1 (Asia) pp3

Let's call him The Flinging Shield!

Well that's more or less how it started. The following tale of Tick related fun also looks at the subject of perception and reality. The reality bit began one evening when I received a phone call from my editor, Dave Snyder. Having enjoyed working on The Tick Color series, I was asked if I could produce pencils on a section of a new Tick book entitled, The Golden Age Tick. I of course said a firm yes. To add to the fun of this, I was equally asked to come up with a new character who would appear as a kind of British version of Captain America, his name was to be, The Flinging Shield! With British Bulldog logo and Union Jack shield, the only thing to add was a sidekick. Now unlike the famous Captain America who happen to have a shield that would return to him once thrown, this shield, well...didn't! It's surprising just how many sidekicks you lose having thrown your shield into the sea, minefields, etc. Hence the number shown on the chest logo of Retrieve. (Cool name, eh?) So that was it, that's how on that fateful night, The Flinging Shield was born. I seem to recall the conversation only took ten minutes. Okay now for the perception bit. Some weeks after the book was published, I happened to come across an interesting Tick fan website that kindly made mention of the one and only, The Flinging Shield, but this origin was somewhat different. I discovered a great deal of copy explaining the deep psychological background to the character and all the various things he represented, which clearly the creators must have had in mind when producing him. To be honest, I was deeply impressed with all this, that a fan was able to see so much in the hero. so whilst the reality was simply a ten minute chat with one of the great guys at New England Comics, I'm really pleased that the perception provided a lot of fun and pleasure to the reader. A big heartfelt thank you.

Pencils: Mychailo Kazybrid

Inks: Kevin Atkinson

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