Sunday, 13 January 2019

Cover work to enjoy...

Over quite a number of years, I've enjoyed both producing and co-producing a fair amount of cover art along with some wonderful fellow artists. Therefore, I simply wanted to share a small number of them, some going back to the 1980s.

Coming soon...

Pleased to say that having worked on The Lion Kids Comic Bible for two years, it can be obtained 22 March 2019.
The production team consisted of the following;
Mychailo Kazybrid  script & detailed pencils
Bambos Georgiou  inks
Jeff Anderson  colourist
Jesus Barony  colourist
Ed Chatelier  publication concept

Illustations by Nathan Kazybrid

Over the past number of months I've had the great pleasure of enjoying artwork produced by my son, Nath. The depth and detail of his pencilled work is really fantastic, therefore, it was something that I certainly had to share.

Welcome to Character Creation 2019