Tuesday, 18 February 2014


Pseudo Tick 13, page 19 inks

Pseudo Tick 13, page 19 pencils

Pseudo Tick 13

Pseudo Tick #13, published November 2000, was the first of my involvement on 11 Tick books. I've never forgotten the great pleasure of working on Ben Edlund's wonderful creation. I had originally become a big fan of The Tick when the Tv cartoon show was shown here in the UK, so getting the chance to do the pencils on the comic was a fun experience. Following this posting is page 19, one example showing my pencils, the other showing the inks by artist, Tak Toyoshima.

Sunday, 16 February 2014

Tick Color 3 published page 23

Tick Color 3 page 23 pencils

Tick Color 3 published page 14

Tick Color 3 page 14 pencils

Tick Color 3 published page 11

Tick Color 3 page 11 pencils

Tick Color 3 published page 1

Tick Color 3 page 1 pencils

As often mentioned, having worked on a great variety of licensed characters over the past 38 years, The Tick remains one of the greatest, not to mention getting the chance to work with artists such as Kevin Atkinson and Tak Toyoshima. Therefore, following on, please find just a sample of pages covering my pencils, plus the finished published page. Big thanks.

Thursday, 13 February 2014

The World of the Plastic Grannies

The Plastic Grannies came about originally with the unanswered question, "Where do all the glamour models go in their old age?" In a rather strange way, the question was answered by the creation of a series of single b/w cartoons. Busty Meadows Retirement Village is the home to these unique ladies, most within the age range of 95. However, age does not go against them having a wild and fun time. Why not check out Edith, Ethel May and Doris at their facebook page, but beware any young men below the age of 70.